ENG. The main objectives of the project were to resemble the historical legacy by respecting the existing monument and to provide the people of Grottole and its visitors a place to share and socialize. This will have a social, cultural and, economic impact on the area. Following this idea, we established the main guides of the project: the existing levels, the roofing system and external elements, and the metaphorical union between heaven and earth. 

The architectural program besides the auditorium, foresees a bar, art gallery, reading terrace, urban park, and a runway observatory. All of these spaces include their own service areas such as restrooms, offices, gift shop and storage space. As the main function is the auditorium, we located it in the central nave of the church, with a sloped fixed sitting with a maximum height of 80 cm, the same height as the stage. In the back part of the church, we placed the bar, gift shop and cultural activities. In this way we can have a direct connection with the auditorium, but at the same time, people will be able to access to all of these spaces even when the main hall is closed, or there is an event taking place. To take advantage of the strategic orographic position of the Chiesa Diruta, a 2-level urban park was designed on the roof of the concert hall to promote the interaction between frequent users (citizens of Grottole) and tourists that might be attracted to the view of the Lucanian hills it offers. The is also accessible to anyone through an elevator which is located where the original bell tower used to be.

This takes us to the revival of the original elements of the church. Besides the elevator, to symbolize the bell tower, the project contemplates two slim vertical structures with the same height as the represented element (50m). This will make the complex visible again from all the valley in the north of the river Basento, relaunching the landmark. Also, to represent a hypothesis of the original roof, and also to enclose and light the space in the park, a steel structure was implemented with led lights all along the system. Also, to a reinterpret the nave’s vaults, many wooden poles will compose the same form and at the same time they will help improve the acoustics. This will also have the function of covering the lighting structures for the stage and some of these poles will have a light on the bottom recreating the sky. It is important to mention that a fraction of this soffit will be glazed in order to have a direct sight to the real sky.

To continue with the metaphorical representation, not only the soffit will represent the sky, but also, users will find different architectonic elements for this. For example, inside the bar and gallery cones of light will be present to allow the sky to penetrate delicately inside the premises. Also, the form given to the poles in the bell tower is meant to give the surrounding environment a sense of approach to the sky. While on the park, users can find a mirror of water to see the reflections of the sky. Finally, behind the stage a movable wall will be installed so there can be the opportunity to preform outdoor events.

The project is meant to provide user-friendly, dynamic spaces for everyone so it can have an impact in the area. We wanted to respect the existing monument, not only due to its historical importance, but also to be accepted and respected by the people living in Grottole and its surroundings. In this way the project will promote the use of its spaces by itself, trying to avoid the abandonment once again and revive the territory.

Bar e sala mostre - interni eleganti tra mattone a vista, buchi sul soffitto e cerchi luminosi

Concert hall's interiors - riconfigurazione delle antiche volte in materiale leggero per un effetto POLVERE DI STELLE

Esterni - tra archi luminosi e alberi rossi il tramonto ha un altro sapore